Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Not even the 400+ photos could do justice to this 2-day rail trip, so we are going to publish 2 posts - 1 for each day. Day 1 : Departed Vancouver and headed inland to Kamloops where we spent the first night in a lovely hotel. During the day, the rail journey wound its way along terquoise-coloured rivers and lakes with tree-lined mountains and valleys all around. Then the scenery changed to a stark moon-scape-like harshness with towering rock mountains and cliff faces and deep gorges and ravines. We travelled on the Canadian Pacific Rail line, parallel to the Canadian National Rail line used mainl;y for freight. The 2 lines run most of the way on different sides of the valleys, crossing over one another on a few occasions. We sat upstairs in the glass-enclosed viewing area and ate our meals downstairs in the dining areas. First class food and service.

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